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How to remove static electricity from adhesive tape

Time:2020-03-04 Views:94
In fact, static electricity will also be generated on the tape, which is not static tape. How to remove the static electricity on the tape?

1. The adhesive tape is a better type with metal wire, while the idler is made of conductive materials, and the two are grounded, so as to prevent static electricity generated due to friction or separation between the adhesive tape and the idler and the conveying materials.

2. The speed of the adhesive tape should not be too high, nor should it change sharply, so as to prevent the increased risk of static electricity due to material vibration.

3. We should clean the surface of the tape and idler regularly to avoid installing brushes on the tape instead of cleaning.

4. When the hopper is used to transport solid materials, the tape will also generate static electricity due to the friction between the hopper and materials and between materials. Therefore, the hopper with large conveying volume should also be made of conductive materials and also grounded.

5. The hoppers above shall not vibrate, their conveying speed shall not be too high, and sharp changes shall not occur. At the same time, collapse during loading shall be prevented, and adverse consequences caused by vibration of the whole material shall be avoided as far as possible.

6. How to remove the static electricity on the tape? When people transport and package solid materials, they should try to avoid friction, and packaging made of non-conductive foaming materials should not be used in packaging.

There are six main methods to remove static electricity on the tape, which can also prevent static electricity on the tape.


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